Sustainable change in the municipalities

Sustainable change in the municipalities

In collaboration with the Municipality of Vejle and AI Innovation House, The Danish ICT Industry Association invites you to this event to give you inspiration for better use of data in the process of reducing energy consumption and improving transportation habits.

Sustainable change in the municipalities

The Municipality of Vejle together with 19 other municipalities participate in DK2020 (Realdania, CONCITO and C40), where the municipalities oblige to meet the goals for reduction of CO2 according to The Paris Agreement. In this connection, the municipality, like many other municipalities, works with initiatives in the areas:

  • How can we reduce energy consumption in both municipal buildings and in citizens’ homes
  • Transport – how can we, with the data we have, change people’s transportation habits
  • In addition, many municipalities currently have major challenges with floods, which is why inspiration to prevent and avoid floods will be relevant.

We would like to see and hear about IT solutions in the areas of big data, crowdsensing, IoT and visualization that can enable the municipalities to address the issues above.

If you have solutions within the areas described and would like to participate with a presentation on the day – please contact Lotte Arentoft by email and send a brief description of the solution.


08.30: Light breakfast
09.00: Welcome by Michael Sloth, Director of Vejle Municipality’s Technology & Environment
09.15: Inspiration presentation TBD
10.00: Inspirational contributions from six IT companies of approx. 30 min. duration incl. dialogue
13.00: Lunch & network
14.00: End

Time and place: Wednesday, January 27, 2021, at 08.30 – 14.00 in Advice House, Lysholt Alle 10, 7100 Vejle.
You register by writing to